House of the Estates/Museum of Natural Science (Breite Str. 13)

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At the corner of Breite Straße and Lindenstraße there once stood a baroque standard house from the time of Frederick William I. As part of the construction plans with which Frederick II gave the entire city of Potsdam a new face, this building, too, was extensively remodeled in 1770. The architect in charge was Georg Christian Unger, who built his first independent structure in Potsdam here. Today it is considered one of the most architecturally valuable houses in the inner city as its calm pilaster divisions look ahead to the later classicist building style. The flat center avant-corps is topped by a gable and framed by two statues. They are Ceres, the goddess of fertility and wealth, and Justitia, the personification of justice.

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House of the Estates/Museum of Natural Science (Breite Str. 13)

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