Schlossstraße 13/14

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Looking down the street Breite Straße, you will now see two elegant, free-standing houses flanking the street on both sides.

Frederick II considered it his task to give Potsdam the face of a baroque royal residence town. His father had around one thousand baroque standard homes built, that is, houses that all followed the same basic plan. This was how costs were kept down. It became part of Frederick II's plan to replace these standard houses with more impressive structures.  Contemporary descriptions of Potsdam maintain that the houses where the Breite Straße begins were the first buildings in Potsdam that Frederick ordered to be built after his ascent to the throne. The houses at Schlosstraße 13 and 14 form a kind of gate to Breite Straße and are thus located in a very prominent place.

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Schlossstraße 13/14

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