Former Infirmary of Regiment Leibfußgarde (Lindenstr. 25)

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In the memoirs of Heinrich Ludwig Manger, a Potsdam architect, chronicler, and contemporary of Frederick, we can read that some old half-timbered structures in Lindenstraße were demolished in 1789. Previously there had been an infirmary for the body guards of Frederick William I which was then replaced by a three-story stone building where the infirmary for the regiment of the Leibfußgarde was installed. The building is still standing today; you can find it on Lindenstraße a short distance behind the Barracks for Married Grenadiers. The architect was Georg Christian Unger who, in 1772, constructed the splendid structure with its impressive early classicist facade design.

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Former Infirmary of Regiment Leibfußgarde (Lindenstr. 25)

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